One of the nine Fruits of the Spirit in the Book of Galatians 5 is Self-Control. When there is no Self-Control there is often need for other kinds of control.
If there isn’t any Self-Control we are little different than any other controlled, imprisoned or caged person or animal that needs controlled. If we are Out of Control we will soon live on a leash, or live attached to a chain, or live in a cage. This is mostly living out of shame, anger, guilt and regret whether in an actual cage or on an imaged chain. Physical or psychological incarcerations are both prisons.
Self-Control is really allowing one’s self to voluntarily be controlled by the Holy Spirit. In other words, self-control can be negative or positive. If it is negative, forces that are contrary to the purposes of the Father will control us and likewise if we allow ourselves to be controlled by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God can control us within ourselves. This eliminates the idea that we can possibly become righteous and controlled by our own efforts.
“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” Jesus