Harsh Darji, blogger, wrote on the issue of ‘Self-Comparison’
“People compare for two reasons. One is to feel superior, and the other is to feel inferior. Both reasons are wrong. Comparing yourself to others solely to feel good about yourself is a form of ego-boosting that doesn’t contribute to genuine self-esteem. It’s like taking a shortcut instead of doing the hard work of building confidence based on your own values and accomplishments.
On the other hand, comparing yourself to others to beat yourself down is a form of self-sabotage that only leads to more misery and self-doubt. It’s like shooting yourself in the foot and wondering why you can’t run the race.
The Solution
First thing first: Comparison is human nature. Recognize and accept it. Acknowledge its influence. Understand its limitations. Lastly, don’t fight it, but learn to manage it. When you find comparing yourself to someone else, the first step is to pause and recognize the emotion that is arising within you. Notice the thoughts that are fueling that emotion and acknowledge that it is just a thought and not a fact. By labeling the feeling as a thought, you are distancing yourself from the emotion and reducing its power over you.
Doing this gives you a space to manage those emotions and use them as a tool for personal growth rather than a source of negativity and self-doubt. Don’t believe me? Give it a try and see for yourself.
The End
Me vs. me, you vs. you, but never me vs. you.”
“To what should I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces who call out to one another…” Jesus