When we think we hear the Lord speak to us, how can we know if it is the Lord or ourselves we hear? How do we know if we are really listening to God, or to our inner self, thoughts, a daydream, or even a night dream? How do we know if we are making it all up, or not?
We must be careful in saying, “I have a word from God,” or “God told me such and such,” because of the finality implied. If someone says, “I have a word from God,” we still have every right to judge and process such words simply because the receiver is human and can have inconsistencies and mistakes. The word may be from God but when it runs through a human it can have human all over it. The mystery is that God does speak and give words through humans; they are his most common transmitter. Even the scriptures are the result of people who have heard from God. The Lord speaks in many ways to us and it is part of experience and attentiveness to know when and how he speaks.
I don’t think anything pleases me more than hearing a word from God and knowing for sure I heard, and I don’t think anything pleases God more than speaking a word and knowing it was heard.
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Jesus