The first words in the Bible are, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” It continues by listing the various days of creation until all has been created.
I have read that the in Hebrew (the language of the Old Testament), the word dabar means both word and also deed. A word doesn’t’ merely say something, it does something. It brings something into being. It makes something happen.
The ‘Hebrew/Greek Key Study Bible’ says this about Genesis 1:1, “God of His own free will and by His absolute power called the whole universe into being, evoking into existence what was previously nonexistent.” God spoke and the deed of creating was completed.
If we applied the Hebrew word dabar to our own times, I wonder if the presentation of the Gospel of the Kingdom would have much more validity if while we proclaim it in word we would also expect and believe by faith that it is also a deed being done. “It does something.”
“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Jesus