Today's Journal
A lot of folks seem to sense they are working for what’s not working. You know… the old saying …’the faster I go, the behinder I get.’ It’s when our whole forehead wrinkles up and our eyes squint and our hands move forth and back and back and forth to try and explain to our selves what’s happening. What’s going on here? Often it is money issues.When we are ‘not making ends meet’ (what a great old term), there are usually some familiar reasons: unwise decisions that have caused debt. The cause of debt is to spend more than we make (earn), kind of like our government does. Or, living with massive credit debt and only paying the interest. Paying for transportation and housing we can’t afford, impulsive and imprudent buying… blah, blah, blah. We all know the causes. We also need to know how to not cause the causes.
What’s not working is that our debt convinces us we can’t afford to give. Giving is life and debt is death, so we may need to work on what works… or least works better. Though we may not be very indebted, if we are not giving we are deceived in thinking that life is ‘all working out.’ Anything and anyone who doesn’t give…doesn’t love. We say that's not who we are, but it's who we are until we demonstrate otherwise.
“Give, and you will receive.” Jesus