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Today's Journal


“Top Rooster,” said Sullivan Sparrow, “there is a problem with all of this. Hen can cackle when she lays an egg but all the rest of us don’t know how to cackle. So how will anyone know when we lay an egg?”
“It is O.K. if no one knows when we do something as long as we know it ourselves. Hen cackles because she is a hen. Others do what they do because they are who they are.” said Top Rooster.
“Who else cackles when they lay an egg?”
“No one as far as I know,” answered the Rooster.
“So how can we know the truth? I need to know so I will know for myself and also so I can help others know truth,” Sullivan questioned.
“Well, truth is truth. It is when we live in honesty. It is when we do not lie. I don’t know how to explain it exactly, but I know this, a hen cackles when she lays an egg. That’s the truth,” smiled Top Rooster.
Sullivan knew he must find out more. He also knew who would know more. He decided to fly to The Safe Tree in The Forest and ask Eagle about truth. The Safe Tree is a special tree where one can go to rest, heal, celebrate or just be quiet. The Tree belongs to Eagle and he keeps his eye on all that goes on there. He makes sure everything is safe and peaceful at The Safe Tree.
“Welcome! Welcome Sparrow, good to see you again.” said Eagle.
“Good to see you as well Eagle!” answered Sullivan. “I have come to ask you about truth.” Sullivan then told Eagle about Top Rooster and the cackling hen. “I need to know what truth is,” said Sullivan.
“The truth is the facts. It’s the way it is no matter what is said. If someone fibs, or lies, about something that is not the facts. It is not real and true. Truth is real. If you add false things to truth it is no longer truth,” said the wise Eagle.
(From: The Safe Tree Stories: ‘Sullivan and the Honest Hen,’ Ben Fike)

“You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Jesus