Things You Should Never Touch
1. Fresh Icing on a Chocolate Cake without
permission. (or Cookie Dough)
2. Puppies- before 6 days… and then know the mother
dog real well.
3. Serrano Chilies carelessly.
4. Thy Neighbor’s wife/husband.
5. Thy neighbor’s money.
6. Thy neighbor’s posthole digger unless neighbor is
7. Thy neighbor’s dog.
8. Snakes, Spiders, Lizards, or Rats.
9. Any electrical device (Just call John).
10. Cobwebs and those who make them and own them.
11. Anything at Denny’s.
12. Anything at Motel 6.
13. Tacos from street vendors in Mexico City or
Merced, California.
14. Door handles at Hospitals/Clinics… or anywhere
else like WalMart, Kohls, Target or Home Depot.
15. Wet Paint… a little touch is OK.
16. Sushi, liver or other guts and innards.
17. Anyone with a sunburn.
18. Thy neighbor’s computer.
19. Pampers.
Thou shouldest not touch these things for thy life to go better.
“If you go into your neighbor’s vineyard, you may eat your fill of grapes, as many as you wish, but you shall not put any in your bag.” Deuteronomy 23:24 (Don’t be ripping off thy neighbor’s grapes.)
“But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.” Jesus