I brock
You brock
We all brock for broccoli
I cuss
You cuss
We all cuss for asparagus
I peno
You peno
We all peno for jalapeno
I rot
You rot
We all rot for carrots
I toe
You toe
We all toe for tomato
I choke
You choke
We all choke for artichokes
I age
You age
We all age for cabbage
I itch
You itch
We all itch for radish
I up
You up
We all throw up for turnips
I pea
You… Ah, never mind.
I’m headed over to the other side of the Pond to have some Cuban Coffee and Roz’s Zucchini Bread and think about switching completely to V-8 Juice and good thoughts here by the Pond. Probably not going to switch.
“You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes or figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.” Jesus