To create something is to make something new that did not previously exist. This is the work of God as he breaks into eternity to ‘create the heavens and the earth.’ A form is produced where there was none. Creation always has God as the subject and what is created as the object, such as matter, (Genesis 1:1), animal life (1:21), and spiritual life (1:27). Something that is absolutely new is something that absolutely did not previously exist. It is when ‘the Lord brings about an entirely new thing’ (Numbers 16:30).
How all of creation (the beginning) has happened, is beyond me. I know of the six days of creation and that many say our earth is 6,000 years, or so, old. I also know there were dinosaurs and that the Great Salt Sea and Flats and the various world deserts and mountain ranges and glaciers and rain forests speak more of millions than thousands of years. I have confidence in the order of how God brought ‘form and order’ out of chaos and disorder, light out darkness, separation of land and water and the various forms of animal and plant life. How He did this and how long it took, or if it was by a ‘six-day creation’ or ‘creative evolution,’ or ‘the God only knows and he ain’t telling’ theories, is way beyond my abilities.
What we do know is that whatever, and whenever, the Lord put something in form and order, he ended by saying, ‘and God saw that it was good.’ God saying, ‘that it was good’, completes the heavens, stars, moon, sun, water, land, plants, animals, light, darkness, fish, trees, birds, and humans. God concludes by saying after the sixth day, ‘And God saw all that he had made and it was very good’ (Genesis 1:31). God is good at what he does.
“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Jesus