Evil has a way of being overwhelming at times and trying to overcome evil can be just as overwhelming. One of the things that can help us in this fight is to understand the nature of the enemy. Satan’s power is limited to his deception. To win our way back from evil and wickedness is to recognize the lie, the deception, and to shine truth on deception. Darkness is dispelled by light.
The overcoming power we have is our perception of truth and this gives us a standard against deception. The tricks and frauds may work for a while but eventually truth prevails and beats the hell out of deception. Every exposed deception is a blow against the power of evil.
Deception is a lie and comes from the Liar. To know the lie is also to know contrasting truth. Pity us when we don’t know the difference. Just as lies are from the liar—truth is from the Truth. We choose truth and battle to have wisdom and discernment for the enemy. Just as Satan’s power is limited to his deception, the power of Jesus is limited to his truth. This is comforting since Jesus is Truth, unlimited truth. Our task is to learn and obey Jesus—the Truth. As we focus on truth deception begins to flee. A lie always hates the truth.
“If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Jesus