When we receive Christ through a gift of grace by faith we are promised that we also receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (See Matthew 3:11; John 1:26-33) the promised presence of God in the believer. The Holy Spirit is kindling for the fire of the New Heaven and New Earth. The atmosphere and power of Spirit baptized believers is a just down payment, a glimpse, only a preamble to what’s coming. It is the warm-up,
I have seen and been a part of many manifestations of the mighty working of the Holy Spirit. I have seen healings, power encounters with evil and demons, the dead raised to life, prophecy, words of wisdom and knowledge, speaking in tongues and interpretations, and many other visible and powerful workings. I have also seen the silent and deep quiet work of repentance, prayer, brokenness and peace.
I also think and believe that any thing we have seen or been a part of as ‘action of the Holy Spirit’ is only a small glimpse of the atmosphere of the New Heaven and New Earth. The Holy Spirit is the atmosphere of God…for God is Holy. As wonderful as our experiences are now, I think we are just preschoolers having a good time and waiting for the higher grades. All of it is exciting… but we are not as we shall be. This is just a warm up. (See Revelation 21)
“Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised, as I told you before. John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” Jesus