The Naked Truth is really a naked lie. From the beginning Adam and Eve “were both naked and were not ashamed” (Genesis 2:25). The lie begins in verse (3:1-6) where Eve decides to have a conversation with the serpent (the devil, Satan). Snake talk.
The Naked Truth that brings shame to our bodies, minds, emotions, spirits, souls and presence is the ability of Satan to convince us in our psyche with a naked lie that what the Lord said and has for us is not true. That there is another way, another option where we may decide to do as we please with gain and without consequence. The Naked Truth is the Naked Lie. Adam and Eve both fell for the snake’s apple trick. The Naked Truth is now the shame game.
In Genesis 3:7-8 we read, “At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.” I believe that guilt and shame are still trying to be covered up ‘with fig leaves’ in some kind of exterior cover-up. What must be covered and fixed are our psyche, the mind and will and soul. Jesus and the Holy Spirit removing the lie by grace as we come back to the Father’s original intention for us is only what can do this. Garden Life near the Tree of Life.
“You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Jesus