Recently I was meditating on the Luke 15 parables of lost things: sheep, coin and son. This is one parable in three parts explaining to the indignant religious Pharisees and scribes how God views ‘lost things.’
The first part is a lost sheep (vs. 4-7). A man has one hundred sheep and loses one and carefully goes looking for it. Finding it, he takes it back to the ninety-nine. There is great joy and rejoicing with friends and neighbors.
The second part is a lost coin (vs. 8-10). A woman had ten coins and lost one. After searching carefully she finds her lost coin. There is great joy and rejoicing with friends, neighbors and angels.
The third part is a lost son (vs.11-32). A man had two sons and one leaves and is lost to his father and family by sin and rebellion. He finally returns home and is restored to his father and family. There is great joy and rejoicing with friends and neighbors.
As I quietly thought through this parable I heard this: the sheep is 99 to 1 odds, the coin is 9 to 1 odds and the son is 1 to 1 odds… it doesn’t really matter. The sheep, the coin, and the son are us… each one of us. The desire of the Lord is finding, restoring and returning all Lost Things. Then, when found: throw a Big Party. What a loving Father we have. What a Good Shepherd we have. What a powerful Holy Spirit we have. Thank you, Lord.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Jesus