The Liberator God comes today to hear our cry, to deliver us from our bondage and then expects us to go to him in worship. Moses asked Pharaoh to release the people to go “a three days journey into the wilderness to worship” (Exodus 3:18; 5:3; 8:27). The Lord is asking us to participate in “the three days” of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and be delivered and worship the living Liberator God.
We are not unlike the Hebrews, Abraham, Jonah or Jesus; we must pass through the “the three days” and continue on in to worship and adoration. When we worship it is to celebrate what has happened in our liberation. We conclude: Salvation means God is my God. This is why not long after the deliverance from Egypt; the Lord gave Moses the first of ten commands, “You shall have no other gods before or besides me.” This is forever the test of the heart and the mind of a liberated person: Worship of the one and only God because we are Third Day people.
“Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.” Jesus