Jesus said in the Beatitudes, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” The blessed that have the kingdom of heaven are those who have come to humility about their personal ability, strength, and richness. They can then go to God, and to others, with an attitude of respect and appreciation, of total welcome and acceptance, and complete identification; which allows each one to open up to their own poverty before God. The person of the kingdom of God goes into the parts of society that are not yet like the kingdom of God. They go vulnerable, poor, and weak into this with a confidence that there is no greater strength than daring to be weak in this way. It is daring to be spiritually poor. It is brave to be spiritually poor.
As we are transformed into the blessed poor we become the target of God’s invasive love. It is only a force like the force, which comes from God that can force us from ourselves. Love is that force. For us to have even a little faith, a little hope and a little love, requires the miracle of mercy and grace. Something supernatural must overtake our natural. Our wealth has overcome the shame of poverty. There is no faith unless doubt has been overcome, there is no hope unless despair has been defeated, and there is no love unless indifference, hurt and hate have been conquered.
“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” Jesus