Storytelling is like the food we cook and prepare for consumption. Will it be fast fixed and fried or slow boiled, open flame, baked, grilled, or stewed and seasoned? All are ways to cook. All have a purpose and all tell a story… we must make sure it tells our story the way we want it told.
But what I am learning is that it seems we no longer just eat to enjoy food and how it is prepared as much as to understand how many proteins, carbs, fats, sugars, triglycerides and such are swimming in our soup bowl … and no, or little, mention of how it tastes or how it was cooked and how, or if, it was even enjoyable. Not to mention… whom we enjoyed it with accompanied by candles, flowers, soft music and a cat curled up by a warm fire.
How can you talk about that on an evening like this when it might have monosodium glutamate in it? Oh, my sweetheart… did you detect any MSG in this? MSG!! Yikes. Yes, and I was wondering if it was pasture raised and humanely harvested (that means killed). Oops… Just got a text message while we were eating… story is over. Maybe our story is as agitated and picked apart as our food.
I’m headed over to the other side of the Pond to have some Cuban Coffee and a Protein Bar and work on a new story line to tell my story.
“I have a kind of food you know nothing about.” Jesus