It seems there are a lot of negative storms brewing constantly to discourage real growth and change in our spiritual climate. Most things do not grow well in adversity. The sooner we can change the conditions for better growth the better chance of growth. Small sprouts pop up and want to grow into full and healthy plants. It is no different for spiritual growth… little sprouts of faith will turn into a full-grown faith.
Linda DeGraf wrote, “Perennial plants in my garden have turned from greens to tawny browns and yellows, some withering on their now-brittle stems. Yet they will return in spring, their newly greening leaves and buds another version of their same selves, because encoded deep within their roots they know who they are meant to be.”
We also know who we are meant to be and it is encoded deep within our faith roots. We are to water the small sprouts to get large faith.
“Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” Jesus