Meditation brings our senses into a specific focus for the moment of response we are seeking during our prayers and silence. The two senses that must be dealt with are hearing and seeing. Our intention is to bring our natural eyes and ears to see and hear in a spiritual realm.
Our prayers become like those in the gospels, ‘Lord, I want to see,’ and ‘I want to hear.’ This is always the plea in silence. What we want to see are the ways of God and what we want to hear is the voice of God. Without this impartation into our spiritual senses we will only perceive naturally and that is usually externally. With spiritual eyes and ears we have perception of the interior, that is, into our spirit. The Spirit of God creates spiritual eyes and ears with the same ease and mystery that created our physical eyes and ears. But this we do know from the practice of silence: we can see and know the ways of God and we can hear and know the voice of God.
“But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.” Jesus