I recently kept hearing the term Spiritual Enrollment. The idea of enrollment is admission, to sign up or register. So to have spiritual enrollment would be to have definitive actions of intentional behavior concerning our following Jesus as a disciple.
We need spiritual enrollment that goes beyond church attendance, or casual Christian living, or Men’s Monthly Pancake Breakfast, or Ladies Day Out… as important as all of these might be. Spiritual enrollment is to live with understanding of what the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ looks and tastes like and to also know ‘the tree of life’ and what it looks and tastes like. It is learning to choose the tree of life. This means to accurately represent to ourselves and to others the nature of God and the Kingdom of his reign and rule… to daily give glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit by living and promoting his will and living in obedience to it.
The Sermon on the Mount is where we enroll.
Maybe this verse is the Enrollment requirement:
“If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.” Jesus