If we will believe anything
We will believe everything.
If we will believe everything
We will believe nothing.
If we will believe nothing
There is nothing to believe.
If there is nothing to believe
There is nothing to anything.
If there is nothing to anything
Then everything is nothing.
When everything is nothing
Then nothing is everything.
We may say we have everything
While knowing we have nothing.
We must cry out for something
That will replace our nothing.
We start by believing one thing
When convinced of the one thing
We try to believe more things
A few things more than nothing.
Having something is something
It’s better than having nothing.
How much of something
Is something? Some.
Our own created nothingness
Is rather a bored selfishness.
To be satisfied with nothing
Is to ignore everything.
Only the lazy person or the fool
Rolls along wanting nothing.
We must decide on something
To replace our nothing.
It is easy to have something
If we really want something.
It is also easy to have nothing
If we really want nothing.
(Poems 2021, Ben Fike)
“To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.” Jesus