“Seek first the kingdom” is much more than a summons to put Jesus into first place in your life. Saying, “Jesus is first”, means that something else is second, third, fourth, and so on. It might mean there are other kingdoms being sought. The kingdoms of work, career, education, recreation, whatever, and there is certainly no problem with seeking the things which make up our life, as long as they not competing kingdoms.
The major issue is two fold. First, “seek first the kingdom of God”, not just ‘the kingdom’. There are a lot of kingdoms. Secondly, Jesus said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.” He is from A to Z; start to finish, beginning to end, before all things, and after all things. Jesus must be first place and He must be last place. He is Lord of all places in between. Lord of all ‘kingdoms’ in between. He is everything.
Jesus and the ”Kingdom of God and his righteousness” are not at the top of some priority list.
Every piece of our lives, large and small, hidden and seen, private and public are His. We are Kingdom Property and Kingdom Possession because we are Kingdom People.
“Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Jesus