It doesn’t take a Bible story about a Prodigal Son to tell us the need of returning home from any wandering, confusion or loneliness. I doubt there are many that don’t know the ‘pig pen story’ from snaky business deals, sexual mistakes, lying on job stuff, bouts with alcohol or drugs, habits of gambling, porn, shopping addictions and careless spending…. blah, blah, blah.
We know about some of this stuff. Most people mess up some stuff along the way. If we know about being in this situation at one time or another, we also need to know how to find our way back…back to the Father.
We can’t make it back on our own (usually). When we can’t see a way out, a way back or much hope for anything we discover the earlier part of Luke 15 tells of the shepherd who goes out looking for the “one lost sheep and carries him home on his shoulders.” (15:4-6) There is someone out looking for us in our wilderness. We have someone to take us to the Father. We just have to decide we want to go back. No one is so ‘bad’ that they can’t come back, and no one is so ‘good’ they might never need to think about coming back.
“Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.” Jesus