In her recent book ‘Halleluiah, Anyway – Rediscovering Mercy,’ Anne Lamott writes, “I’m not sure I even recognize the ever-presence of mercy anymore, the divine and the human, the messy, the crippling, transforming, heartbreaking, lovely, devastating presence of mercy. But I have come to believe that I am starving to death for it, and my world is, too.”
Mercy, like forgiveness and many other things, is predicated on us being to others what we want them to be to us (that sounds familiar). The greater principle is that the Father is this to us whether we are or not. But because he is, he desires his children to be as well. This goes far beyond reciprocal living. It is showing mercy even when it has not been shown to us.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” Jesus