I pick up pennies from the parking lot, the sidewalk or wherever I happen upon one left lying flat and lonely. To me they are still a symbol of intrinsic value. They are worth one penny = $ 1 cent. One hundred of these makes one dollar. (That’s about as high as I go in mathematics).
So why would anyone leave a penny unclaimed? Does it mean one might also leave a dollar… or more? Would someone leave a dime, a nickel or quarter? Not me.
Or is it symbolic of avarice, greed and being tight? Is it a spirit of poverty, is it being overly thrifty? As we age I think it becomes a contest to see if one can still bend over that far to pick up anything. Pennies become our flexibility test.
I pick up pennies because they are money.
“I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” Jesus