Thomas Keating (currently 93 years old and living in St Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado) wrote, “Original sin” has these three consequences: (1) Illusion, (2) Concupiscence, and (3) Weakness of Will.
Illusion means that we do not know where true happiness lies and seek it in the wrong places.
Concupiscence (lust) means that we pursue alternate means of happiness as far as they can be found in our environment.
Weakness of Will means that if we ever discover where true happiness lies, the will is too weak to pursue it.”
It is interesting to me that each of the three levels of sin is contrasted to happiness. It is our false self that will seek a false happiness. Overcoming sin is to seek and live with happiness in our true self. Wisdom is to know the difference.
“Blessed (happy) are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Jesus