Roz and I recently went to a see a movie. I rarely go to or watch movies. At the most I have seen a half dozen movies in the last 30 years. It had been a while since my last one and I had no idea that movies were so loud that the walls vibrate. The action in the movie was both real and animated and very loud (did I mention that part?). The movie was so-so. We both rated it 5 out of a possible 10.
The next morning was Sunday and so I decided to try a new church I had heard about over on the other side of town. It was called the ‘Where Its Like Totally Happnin’ Church.’ I was struck by the similarity of the church experience and the movie experience. The music was so loud the walls vibrated; there were light strobes, smoke rising up, and the auditorium was dark …just like the movies. This too was both real and animated and very loud (did I mention that?). They were much the same but the church seemed to be almost like watching the halftime show at the recent Super Bowl. I would rate it none out of 10.
I will probably go back to both of these with about the same amount of frequency.
‘If it’s too loud…you are too old.’ I suppose so. I guess some of us just prefer a lot more silence. I think I better get back over on my side of the pond and finish making my Creamy Quinoa and Carrot Soup and toast some Ciabatta Bread.
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Jesus