There is an interesting instruction in Ephesians 4:25-27:
“So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body. And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold (opportunity) to the devil.”
This is perhaps a take off of Psalm 4:4:
“Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent.” Selah (Pause and Reflect)
Don’t let the sun set on our anger. Bitterness grows in the dark and harms us more than it harms anyone else, so the proper time to stop it is before it starts… preferably in the light. The darkness can make us crazy. Anger and nighttime are fuel and matches. Sunsets and anger don’t mix very well. Don’t let the sun go down on our anger and bitterness. If we do…we wake up with it.
“You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’ But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment!” Jesus