I have learned some new wisdom concerning listening. After years of observation of animals and birds in the wild I have noticed that if they really want to listen carefully they raise one leg and hold very still while balancing on the remaining one or three legs… depending on species. Deer, wild turkey, fox, and the ordinary housedog or cat, all have this habit while listening carefully. I think the ear and the leg are both somehow connected as parts of the hearing system. Maybe hearing aids should be on the leg as well as the ear.
I have started a new prayer program of standing very carefully on one leg and listening as keenly as possible. I believe it is an excellent way to listen. The main reason is because we want to hear quickly and carefully so we don’t have to keep standing on one leg. The other reason for the one leg business is perhaps a readiness to escape and run… which can happen in prayer like anywhere else.
“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” Jesus