Not long a go I had to have my knees checked out to see what was wrong with them. I was referred to the Orthopedic Clinic of Dr. Skel Eton, M.D. and Dr. C.R. Bonz, M.D. After x-rays and consultation they concluded that my knees were shot. Dr. Eton said something like “Too many birthdays…” and I said wait a minute I have heard this before about my eyes and some of my other parts. The doctor then said, well, “Because your knees have gone south from wear and tear and arthritis you need to get new knees…or total knee replacement, or total knee arthroplasty. This is a surgical procedure in which parts of the knee joint are replaced with artificial parts (prostheses). The fake knee is connected to your big top leg bone the femur and to the two smaller leg bones tibia and fibula… then he said you seem to be turning very pale and sweaty.” Then he had an assistant bring in a plastic model of the total knee for me to look over. Then Dr. Bonz came in and said I would need to stop sniffling, wheezing and banging the back of my head against the wall and pay closer attention.
Two weeks later I had a new right knee and sixteen weeks later I had a new left knee. Nothing to it. Just a little discomfort, some physical therapy down town and twice daily at home and a few pain pills and now I have new knees. Hairs on fire, hairs on fire.
“Behold, I am making all things new.” Jesus