I was recently looking for something stored in boxes in our storage shed that says: ‘Stuff’ on the box. Now what treasure we have kept and bundled and taped and marked as ‘Stuff’… who knows? All we know for sure is… ‘We might need it someday.’ There is some really good stuff in those Mystery Boxes.
I have decided to market this Super Stuff on line as ‘Mystery Boxes.’ I will try to sell some of our good stuff that is in boxes we haven’t opened in the last 17-23 years. I might take others (yours) by consignment. The only selling hype will be: ‘This is Stuff you might need someday.’ If anyone were to ask: ‘What is in those boxes?’ You know they are a disqualified buyer (or taker, or hauler-offer of Stuff) because they think someone might actually know what is in those boxes. If I knew what was in the boxes, I would not get rid of them because I might need that stuff someday. That is what mystery means.
There are some clues to how valuable some of this Stuff might be. If the box is beat up and frayed at the corners, has watermarks and satins, has been re-labeled several times, has been re-taped several times and moved in and out of several storage units and garages… you know something is very valuable inside that box, we just don’t know what it might be. All we know is that it ‘is something we might need some day.’
I think e-Bay and Craigslist have a whole new concept coming soon: Mystery Boxes.
“For nothing is hidden except to be revealed; neither is anything kept secret except to be proclaimed” (Mark 4:22). I might use this line in the listing on eBay.
“To you is given the secret of the Kingdom of God, but to those who are outside, everything is said in parables.” Jesus