“The true shepherd, Jesus himself, was rejected by the people and valued as lowly and worthless, just as thirty pieces of silver was the price of a slave. When Judas betrayed Jesus for a price, the false leaders of Israel paid a price representative of a minimum wage Messiah, so to speak.” (From ‘Jews for Jesus’)
Jesus was sold out as a slave…thirty pieces of silver. It was the lowest and most common price paid for any human individual slave treated as a piece of property and not as a human. Not any different than any other history of buying and selling human slaves as items of property and commerce. It was wrong then and wrong in every successive generation. We do not buy and sell each other.
The thirty pieces of silver price was man’s transaction by Judas. The price of the transaction from the Father’s perspective was … “You were bought for a price; do not become slaves of people.” (1 Corinthians 7:23) The Father did not pay or buy or bargain…”He gave his only begotten son for us…” (John 3:16) That is paying the very maximum price.
“The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus