I have lived in a big house
I have lived in a little house
I have lived in a mid-sized house
I have lived in a pickers house
I have lived in a milk house
I have lived in a tree house
I have lived in a labor camp house
I have lived in a warm house
I have lives in a cold house
I have lived in a gift house
I have lived in a comfortable house
I have lived in an uncomfortable house
I have lived in a tent house
I have lived in a horse trailer house
I have lived in a government house
I have lived in an ugly house
I have lived in a beautiful house
I have lived in a trailer house
I have lived in an owned house
I have lived in a rented house
I have lived in a barrowed house
I have lived in the basement of a church house
I must say: it is about the living and not the house.
However, there are some houses I would definitely choose over others to do that living.
“Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” Jesus