All things produce after their own kind…like begets like. What it is; is what the next one will be.
Hurt people hurt people.
Religious People produce Religious people.
Toxic People produce Toxic People.
Angry people produce angry people.
Selfish people produce selfish people.
Free people free people.
Forgiven People Forgive People.
Hopeful people give hope to people.
Helpful people help people.
Loving people love people.
We either learn to live the Kingdom Way or another way. The cycle gets broken when we are born from above by the Spirit of God and become new people who do things a new and different way. Then what the new person is; is what the next thing produced will be.
“What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be surprised that I said to you, ‘You all must be born from above.’” Jesus