Much of the Kingdom of God is a paradox. It so often goes contrary to our normal thoughts and behavior patterns that we wonder how and if it is possible to be a follower of Christ. Jesus taught things like:
The weak will be strong.
That God can become human.
That the last shall be first.
That humans can be born twice.
That by faith we can move mountains.
That darkness can become light.
That death can become life.
That sadness can become joy.
That by giving we receive.
That we should love our enemies.
That if forced to go a mile, go two.
That if slapped on the right cheek offer the left.
That if someone curses us, bless them.
That if someone mistreats us, pray for them.
That if someone takes what is ours, don’t demand it back.
That we treat others the way we want to be treated.
These and many other paradoxes fill the teachings of Jesus and the Kingdom way. It is really upside down to our way of thinking and acting. And indeed it is just that: upside down. There is no possible way of living the teachings of Jesus without being born-from-above, by receiving the power of the Holy Spirit and walking in faith and grace. It is rather like living supernaturally.
“So don’t be surprised when I say, ‘You must be born again.’” Jesus