Excellence is inward. It is who we are when no one is looking. Outward excellence is motivated from within or our outward excellence will often only come from the demands of a situation… boss, mate, guests coming, circumstance, religious performance, etc. Desire to please by performance is motivated many times by manipulation to get what we want and when we get it the excellence is gone.
If there is no inner excellence there can be little outer excellence. Excellence at this point is need based or never feeling complete. We might be excellent only long enough to get our needs met.
Jesus taught his Kingdom principles of excellence as the inner birthing of a new heart. The whole idea of “being born from above” is to be new inwardly and then it moves to outward actions and behavior. This is when our excellence is born and based on the internal. Excellence is possible… perfection isn’t.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again (from above) he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Jesus