There is an interior orientation for inward worship and listening. It is not for special groups or special people but is part of anyone who truly desires it. This practice is the heart of spirituality. It is the secret of the Master. He expected this secret of inward worship and listening to be freshly discovered in everyone who would be his follower. It creates an amazing fellowship with Jesus and with others.
The Catholics have treasured this practice as much as anyone but have so overlaid this interior life with the heavy weight of external ecclesiastical authority, that it almost seems that one counters the other rather than expressing the other. Protestants on the other hand have formed external creeds and dogmas and have closed off revelation because they believe canon (scriptures) is complete and therefore God no longer speaks. The fresh springs of inner life are all but ignored. This causes one to cling to the Bible more than clinging to Jesus. If we learn to hear and listen we can have a Word from the Lord and worship the Lord who gave it.
“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me.” Jesus