Much of what we are, and what we do, is seemingly based on being convinced somehow that we are a post-ideological society. This happens when we are content to only react to things as they come up in our social structures rather than having an overarching ideal for what society could be. We are Facebook smart and ideologically dumb.
As long as our ideology is pragmatic instead of progressive, we will suffer from only “following rules” and seeing how little needs to be done to fulfill a rule. True ideology is to dream, reason and promote a higher order. The highest order is when we decide that our core values are intended to bless everyone and that begins with blessing our neighbor. There is little ideology left if it only serves to satisfy a few.
Ideology is recovered when it stops looking only political, economical, militaristic or media-slick and becomes a true theocratic ideology based on Kingdom of God values and vision. This is not so much a pragmatic issue as it is a philosophical and theological issue. Once the foundation is in place then it can evolve into a practical out-working. Ideology is recovered because there is again a reason to work and live for a higher order.
“Your Kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus