In the night I heard the phrase… Homerun Gospel. I know homerun is a common term for doing well at something and, of course, a term in baseball for knocking the baseball out of the park.
What I was trying to understand was the Gospel significance. After listening for several days the only thing that came to me was: a homerun clears the bases (meaning no one is left on base…they all run to home base and score, whether only one, the batter; or one or all three other bases that have a runner on them and that’s called bases are loaded. A four run homer is called a Grand Slam. The simple idea was to see the Gospel as a Grand Slam… everyone comes home to score.
It doesn’t matter what base we are on, when the Gospel takes us home we leave everything on the field and head home to the Father. He has made a way for us.
It was back in December of last year that the above word came to me in night. Probably was about the same time that Juan Soto negotiated a $765 million dollar contract to play baseball for the New York Mets.
If you play… you play to win.
“So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.” Jesus