Francois Fénelon (1651-1715), French priest, poet and writer wrote, “It is false humility to believe ourselves unworthy of God’s goodness and to not dare to look to him with trust. True humility lies in seeing our own unworthiness and giving ourselves up to God, never doubting that he can work out the greatest results for and in us. If God’s success depends on finding our foundations already laid, we might well fear that our sins had destroyed our chances. But God needs nothing that is in us. He can never find anything there except what he himself has given us.”
It is usually some kind of performance or ‘being good’ that somehow makes us think and believe that God is pleased with us. He may or may not be…but ”God needs nothing that is in us” to make us into what he desires for us. He is good at what he does. Our part is to submit.
“You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.” Jesus