I remember how a lot of things are supposed to be and I also can often comparatively recall how things really are. But then I base this on what I suppose things are supposed to be. Opinion is based on experience, knowledge and theory. We each have some of these three and they help form our opinions. To truly make them our own opinions we add our own prejudges, biases and leanings, whether political, religious, philosophical or cultural.
That said, I still contend that we might develop better opinions by having more knowledge (especially on specific subjects) as we wade through and gain life’s experiences and dip in and out of various theories. I suppose another way to say it is: It helps to know what we are talking about if we are about to talk.
“When there are many words, wrongdoing is unavoidable. But one who restrains his lips is wise.”
(Proverbs 10:19)
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Jesus