As we look constantly to Jesus as the Lord of our lives, we must be clear that it requires action on our part. Just thinking it so does not make it so. To follow means to get up and take off…to take after. Many disciples have been stopped short because they tried to follow a woman or man, a pastor, a teacher, a spiritual director, somebody… before they first followed the Lord. It is important to follow leaders but only as, and if, the leader is following Jesus. No one is called to blindly follow bad leadership no matter what title or office they bear, or how many big robes and hats and necklaces they wear. Both will fall in the ditch if walking blindly is the way I read it. Stay away from those who ask you to take hikes toward the ditch. Any following besides the true following of Jesus is cultic, dangerous and unwise. We follow Jesus first and always.
To follow blindly is like catching a yawn from someone…you do it because they did. That is not always a good reason or reasoning.
“Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” Jesus