The power goes out for 2.678 of a second and then you have to go around and reset the flashing digital clocks on the oven, stove, coffee pot, wall clocks, bedroom clocks, bathroom clocks, living room clocks, mechanical room clock, broom closet clock, mud room clock, garage clocks, refrigerator clock, washing machine clock, power juicer clock, coffee pot clock, office clock, study clock, laundry room clock, landscape lights clock, kitchen clock, tea pot clock and about forty others. Four and half hours later, just after all the clocks have been reset… another power surge and another 1.3986 of a second later all the clocks are flashing…
I will take the wind-up clock any day. If you wind them they work come rain or shine, bad weather or good, snow storm, rain storm or heat wave… they keep on ticking. One little knob sets the alarm. But the main reason is because I have never been able to figure out how to set one of those blasted digital clocks… especially the alarm part. When I do it they go off at 1:45 in the morning. It says AM or PM, snooze, scrambled, fried or hard-boiled… and about a dozen other commandments. Roz has to deal with all of our clocks and resetting… that is out of my skill set. But I can sure wind up those other kind.
I am certain that hell will be filled with flashing digital clocks and heaven with windup clocks. I think that’s in the bible somewhere. No, really I think it is.
“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Jesus