People want authority in and over their lives. This is seldom something that anyone would say, or even perceive, but it’s absolutely true. Even in our quest for personal freedom and independence due to pride in self-sufficiency, and inflated egos, we want authority over us.
Down in our inner selves there is a cry to have someone else be the final authority; to take final responsibility; to take our last question and give answer to it. There is a desire for a system, a book, a method, a counsel, a plan, a court, or a person, something that never fails.
Life is so fragile when we depend on what is common authority, common law, common policies, common governments, common police agencies, common military, and such. All have a place. But even with these we often feel so frail, fearful, and insecure. It is because down deep in our souls we need the Uncommon Authority – the Supernatural. We need the authority of Almighty God. He is the Original Authority. He is the Theocrat. His government is our government. We are His.
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Jesus