There is a danger of dealing with issues rather than dealing with sin. Or, dealing with fruit instead of dealing with roots. Current and serious issues may appear as ‘just cause’ for our behavior and also may serve as a perfect mask for hiding a deeper sin issue. For example:
Dealing with ‘cultural issues’ can be ‘righteous indignation’ formats. This may produce the ‘spirit of protest’ that may lead to rebellion. Beware of protesting in the flesh without Father’s direction. Often the cultural issue is the fruit of a corrupt root that produced it, i.e., racial prejudice and inequality is the fruit of the corrupt root of human slavery. Every tree produces after it’s own kind.
The cross deals with sin by the Blood of Jesus… not just protest. To protest God-ordained authority… might be a Jezebel spirit. Dealing with issues can prevent us from dealing with ourselves. The righteousness of our issues can quickly replace our personal righteousness. Dealing with issues can easily prevent us from dealing with God as we sabotage our self in ‘good works,’ causes, politics or religious practices… self-righteous indignation…whatever. Don’t be fooled by being a fool.
To the woman caught in adultery (John 8):
Jesus asked, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”
“No, Lord,” she said.
And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.” Jesus