Just as we recreate Eden, we can also de-create. As the environment progresses into business, banking, medical clinics, certain offices, churches, mechanical shops, printing shops and technical environments, the less Eden is evidenced. Wise food merchants who build restaurants design them so we can eat in an Edenic atmosphere. Often the more expensive the meal, the more expensive and meticulous Edenic care has been taken and the opposite is true; fast foods have zero Eden.
If business, medical, technical and service industries could see the connection between our desires for comfort and belonging to Eden, then perhaps they would design environments of comfort (small garden areas of privacy with seating) for buying cars, homes, to receive healing, get technical help, have business transactions, buy groceries, and receive various kinds of service. The fastest way to move people through these every day activities is to equally decrease any form of Eden (i.e., fast foods, airlines, doctor’s offices, quick print, post offices, government offices, etc.). Every decrease of Eden is a decrease in the desire to spend time in such a place and every increase of Eden is a desire to stay and dwell. Of course, shrewd merchants and demographers know this.
“To those who win the victory I will give the right to eat the fruit of the tree of life that grows in the Garden of God.” Jesus