If we hang out with crazy people
We might become crazy
If crazy people hang out with us
They may or may not become crazy
The reason for this is that crazy
Is defined by each person
So, because you are crazy
Does not mean I am crazy
What one person considers deranged
Another considers within range
What another considers demented
The next considers cemented
If a person is loony
That too is a matter of opinion
The final determination though
Is the one we make personally
It’s interesting about crazy
Those who have become so
Are crazy as if food is crazy: Nuts
Nutty, bananas, nutty as a fruitcake
It is just as surprising to know when others
Are crazy and have a few screws loose
Then to look at our own shirt
And see a few buttons missing
I’m headed over to other side of the Pond to have some Cuban Coffee and Raspberry Jelly Roll and be thankful that I’m not crazy like some other people. For example, a guy said to me, ‘Well, you ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer…’ Now, what’s that supposed to mean? I must be careful though because if I sit here by the Pond in my rocking chair and fall asleep I might soon be off my rocker.
“Love the Lord with all your mind…” Jesus