There is need like never before, or at least since the early church in the book of the Acts of the Apostles, to have clear and uncompromised conversion to Jesus Christ. This cannot happen unless there is some kind of standard to define position and understanding for a conversion to happen. There must be a standard from which we gain our definitions. All roads do not lead to the same place. Jesus taught that there is one narrow path that leads to life and another path that is broad that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). It is not narrow-minded; it is a narrow path, meaning a single, defined, devoted and acceptable standard way of finding Jesus and His kingdom.
There are not many salvations; there is one salvation. There are not many saviors; there is one Savior for many. There are not many standards; there is one true standard. The standard is not the Bible it is Jesus. The Bible is valuable because it tells about Jesus, not because it tells about the Bible. The Bible is a book and Jesus is the Son of God. Many conversions are shallow and weak because they were based on the standard of ‘Bible verses’ and intellectual ascent rather than a faith experience of fully receiving and accepting Jesus Christ as the Son of God because that seed of faith caused an explosion in the heart that supersedes the challenge of the brain.
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus