On March 29, 2009 I had a very vivid dream about Breast Cancer and Pink Ribbons. In 2021 while on a road trip, Roz and I were traveling on a busy Interstate highway and we encountered more big trucks (perhaps 10 trucks to every 2-3 cars) than we had ever experienced. After we returned home I remembered the dream I had 2009 and I found it in my journal.
In the dream I had designed a project called the Buck-A-Truck Campaign. It was a simple concept in which I contacted many trucking companies in person, by letter or Internet to ask them to help fight Breast Cancer by donating $1 for every load they hauled. Regardless of the length of the haul… 30, 300, or 3,000 miles, it was by the load…one dollar per load. On the back of each participating truck was the familiar Pink Ribbon decal for Breast Cancer awareness. On the top of the decal ribbon were the words ‘Buck-A-Truck’ and inside the loop of the ribbon were the words ‘Fighting Breast Cancer.’ The pink decal was about 12 inches long and 8 inches wide and prominently displayed on the rear of each truck.
In my dream I found the trucking industry to be completely open and supportive of this idea and many started immediately to respond. I think in reality they would as well.
I never followed up or did anything with this dream but after this recent trip and seeing the hundreds and hundreds of trucks on the road I was convinced more than ever this would be a great fundraiser to help with the research, prevention and cure of Breast Cancer. The National Breast Cancer Foundation is the highest rated Breast Cancer research organization in the country and is highly rated as a not for profit also. They could use every buck from every truck. I hope someone might do something with this. It could progress to Buck-A-Bus, Buck-A-Boat, Buck-A-Barrel and so forth. “Do to others as you would like them to do to you.” Jesus