Because we think we know something, we also often think others know that something as well. Not true. Even if it is common knowledge to some, it is also like all knowing of things: either you know or you don’t know. Someone always knows things you and I don’t and likewise.
David Foster Wallace (1962-2008) poet and writer once famously told of two young fish that were swimming merrily along when they met an older one. That older fish nodded at them and asked, “How’s the water?” As they swam away, one turned to the other to ask, “What’s water?”
Just because we are in it…does not mean we know what we are in. This is true of politics, cults, religion, animal clubs, séance and witchcraft groups, hyper-sports clubs, churches, freemasonry, astrology clubs, lodges, artist groups, dance clubs, activist groups… whatever… we need to know what we have gotten ourselves into. It is good to stop and make inquiry.
Here is the test: Does it produce life, light and love and give glory to Jesus?
There is another test: If you continually hear someone telling you: “Somebody needs to wind your clock a little more….” (I know, I know… but there once were clocks that a person needed to wind… no, really there were.)
“The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” Jesus