Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt (1842-1919) German pastor and theologian wrote:
“Many people never really consider why they are Christians. So much gets preached besides the true gospel, which is that God wants to remake humanity, so that the earth – not just heaven –might be filled with his glory. But too many Christians are content with a Christ of religion. Like pagans, they look for happiness after death. They relinquish the earth, and thereby themselves and other people. Their only interest is a blessed assurance in death, not the kingdom of God on earth.
If Christians think that people have to be just like them in order to find consolation at the end of their lives, we must protest: No! There were plenty of people who died consoled before Christ came. That is not why he came into the world. He came to create new men and new women (2 Corinthians 5:17) right here, on this earth, God wants to see his truth, justice, and love glorified. Only when this happens will we prove ourselves to be fully human.”
“Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus