Most things in nature are naturally at peace. All of nature is in ‘contemplation’ or looking thoughtfully at the environment and the surroundings where they exist. We are part of nature as well and we seem to be the only ones having trouble with contemplation and peaceful existence. We are the only ones who must ‘practice’ contemplation… with all the other creatures and things… it comes naturally.
Our nature has the issue of the soul and transcendence. We mentally have the ability to see ourselves from outside of ourselves. The rest of nature and animals cannot do this (at least I don’t think they can). Perhaps the great secret to learning and understanding contemplation is to carefully watch all the rest of creation and do what they do. We might watch the trees, rivers, rocks, clouds, deer, squirrels, mountain lions, lizards…and all the rest. They are already ‘living contemplated.’ They make great spiritual directors.
“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin.” Jesus